Welcome to Pennant Publishing

At Pennant Publishing, we are dedicated to helping authors bring their stories to life. From manuscript editing to marketing services, we provide a comprehensive range of solutions to support your publishing journey. Let us help you share your voice with the world.

brown books closeup photography
brown books closeup photography
Bright living room with modern inventory
Bright living room with modern inventory


people sitting on chair in front of laptop computers
people sitting on chair in front of laptop computers
Manuscript Editing

Our team of experienced editors will provide comprehensive manuscript editing services to ensure your work is polished and ready for publication.

a close up of a book shelf
a close up of a book shelf
ISBN and Barcode

We will assign an ISBN (International Standard Book Number) and barcode to your book, making it easily identifiable and accessible to readers.

person writing on brown wooden table near white ceramic mug
person writing on brown wooden table near white ceramic mug
Publishing Services

We offer comprehensive publishing services, handling all aspects of the publishing process from formatting to distribution, so you can focus on writing.

person holding white cordless computer mouse
person holding white cordless computer mouse
Cover Design

Our talented designers will create a visually appealing and professional cover for your book, capturing the essence of your story.

We provide ongoing support and guidance to our authors, helping them navigate the publishing industry and achieve their goals as writers.

MacBook Pro, white ceramic mug,and black smartphone on table
MacBook Pro, white ceramic mug,and black smartphone on table
Marketing Services

Our marketing experts will develop a customized marketing strategy to promote your book, increasing its visibility and reaching your target audience.

brown tree
brown tree
Author Support

About Us

Pennant Publishing is a leading provider of comprehensive manuscript editing, ISBN, barcode, cover design, publishing, and marketing services. We are dedicated to helping authors bring their stories to life and reach a wider audience.

books on bookshelf
books on bookshelf

Contact Us

Get in touch with us for all your publishing needs

"Pennant Publishing" is Florida Registered business name G23000076896 of Florida Limited Liability Company "Pennant,LLC" L23000271411.